The Miniature Zoo
Alternative Zoo
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the miniature zoo
online art gallery & virtual zoo
The Miniature Zoo
Alternative Zoo
Gift Shop
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004 | "Africanized Bee"
from £50.00
005 | "Alien Butt Spider"
from £50.00
013 | "Antarctic Krill"
from £50.00
021 | "Atlantic Horseshoe Crab"
from £50.00
046 | "Buff-Tailed Bumblebee"
from £50.00
048 | "Bulgarian Emerald"
from £50.00
050 | "Bullet Ant"
from £50.00
058 | "Candy Crab"
from £50.00
068 | "Cockchafer"
from £50.00
069 | "Coconut Crab"
from £50.00
072 | "Common Nawab Caterpillar"
from £50.00
074 | "Common Yabby"
from £50.00
078 | "Cuckoo Wasp"
from £50.00
079 | "Darwin's Bark Spider"
from £50.00
096 | "Emperor Scorpion"
from £50.00
111 | "Garden Snail"
from £50.00
117 | "Giant Leopard Moth"
from £50.00
119 | "Glasswing Butterfly"
from £50.00
148 | "Honeypot Ant"
from £50.00
163 | "Italian Honey Bee"
from £50.00
168 | "Japanese Spider Crab"
from £50.00
203 | "Mercury Islands Tusked Wētā"
from £50.00
240 | "Pacific Banana Slug"
from £50.00